

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Exodus Begins from MMD in preps for Election 2011.

Just when you think the MMD 's house in now under control, another big loss from the ruling government. Former FORMER gender minister Patricia Mulasikwanda saturday resigned from the MMD to join the pact through UPND. 

Who is next?

Friday, December 25, 2009


Mark your calendars, Monday, 3rd October 2011. A new day is coming for Zambia . MMD government can not govern beyond 3rd October 2011 without a renewal of political mandate from Zambia. The above date will mark exactly the end of the second 5-year term of MMD controlled government.

On 3rd Oct, 2006 the late President (M.H.S.R.I.P) started his second term. Going beyond this date, President RB term would come to an end hence his govermnent must make a case to Zambians and parliament reasons to extend their stay at State House

Election dates in Zambia seem to only benefit the ruling party which has monopoly of choosing a day whenever the party feels ready to hold elections. However, this day belong to Zambians who make an important choice about the kind of government leadership and policy they want. All parties need same and fair rules of elections. A fixed election date creates transparency, more democratic and would increase voter turnout as more people plan for this day. No party in Zambia must monopolize election date to advance its political interests.

Zambia can enact a law to have a fixed election date like other democracies; and we have technology to that. We must have hold elections on weekdays that will allow participating political parties access to courts when challenges occur. Friday election day is a bad choice because courts are closed on weekends to hear file challenges.

So challenging partiles wait for Monday to file cases, by which the newly declared person will hold a weekend swearing-in event to gain executive power and immunity- automatically shifts from mere political candidate to Presidency.Therefore we must have amendments about swearing-in ceremonies not be private weekend events, but public events. President Zuma took the aoth of office at a public event. Zambians must witness a newly elected President promise to defend this country.

Zambians must legally expect to see a new president on October 4th 2011. Depending on the commitment to its manifesto and delivery of public services, MMD will be examined again for a third time. If Zambians decide against 3rd term rule(18 years) by MMD government, then Zambians will usher in a new government with a different action plan. Change is important for Zambia ’s democracy.


MMD Acting spokesperson Mike Mulongoti says the ruling party-MMD will gracefully concede defeat if the people of Zambia decide to not to return the party to power in the 2011 elections(watchdog zambia reports)....

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Every election is about change. But so far the MMD has always been using this saying that under PF or PACT, the investors in Zambia will go away. The fact is no investor will run away as long as there money to make and labor to do the work. Period!! Investors will remain regardless of who wins in 2011. Therefore, both MMD and PACT must just offer how best to deal with investors. These guys are in Zambia to make money.

No presidential candidate should run for office to maintain the status quo or implement someone’s agenda. It is important that each candidate in this presidential election articulate their issues, policies and plans for Zambia .

Zambia is confronted with several challenges that demand bold and effective leadership. We need to reform government institutions to increase transparency and accountability especially in government public service performance especially in education and health. We need to reform the fight on corruption by making anti-corruption agencies receive mandate to investigate and prosecute corruption cases from parliament and not just from State House.

We face an energy crisis from lack of reliable sources of oil and ageing oil refineries. The government must see energy as a national security issue, build strategic oil reserves and offer affordable oil prices to businesses and consumers. On the long time, the next president must explore energy alternatives from coal and natural gas. Bargaining money for oil from private banks and frequent Zesco load shedding make Zambia vulnerable.

Past economic results is not a guarantee for another good future performance. People want opportunities to make a better living. Milking the past as true measure of tomorrow is a cheap political tactic. The next president must offer a clear vision and policies for Zambia . We can not just implement projects or release money for development during election time.

Zambia needs a strong president that will deal foreign investors; demand a fair pay of taxes and make sure Zambia ’s labor and environmental laws are followed. No party has a monopoly on investor confidence; as long as there is money to be made in Zambia , investors will stay regardless of who is the president or party in government. So MMD must stop this fear that under UPND/PF government, investors will go. The fact is they will not.

We need a new deal on the mining sector. In addition to fair tax contribution, Zambia must demand that all mining investors start to bank their millions of profits with local banks in Zambia , not with out of the country banks.

The next president must champion an agricultural revolution in Zambia by investing and creating incentives to engage in farming. Zambia ’s agriculture can create millions of jobs, reduce food prices and contribute to the economic growth. We need to move from political slogans that offer no real solutions for safe roads and build rail ways.

These above challenges are Zambian issues, not regional that requires strong leadership from the next president, cabinet and parliament. The people of Zambia can not harvest a different good economic result if the same bad policies done by the same government repeat the same failed agenda.
Government can not do everything but it can create opportunities for Zambians. This election is about choosing a leader who will fight for Zambians and create opportunities.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Imagine you run a business, with the performance of the MMD, can you hire them for another job..This is what 2011 election is about: MMD must convince Zambians to rehire them in 2011.

Across the country, healthcare workers, farmers, students and teachers are demanding better conditions of services. The ruling party is already marketing its MMD presidential candidate for 2011; an example how out of touch politically a regime can be with needs of its citizens. Of course, the wish of any ruling party is to stay in government. So the MMD will fight to keep its power, that’s the way of politics. But Zambians can not avoid asking; what specifically does MMD want to achieve beyond 2011 which has not been done, tried before or achieved since 1991?

Our hard working nurses operate with inadequate medical supplies and teachers work in poor facilities. Their demand for a sustaining working condition is legitimate. Unfortunately, we see the same pattern of dismissive from government leaders. But when it involves self government pay, there is money for government officials to import new luxury cars.

Millions of dollars spent on importing mobile hospitals and manda mandas would give better salaries and provide professional development opportunities for nurses and teachers. Mobile hospitals and hearses can not function in a vacuum; both will require motivated and well paid healthcare workers to utilize those facilities. We know our government is limited in resources; but Zambians expect sound MMD government priorities in any public spending. Zambia requires a comprehensive reform on health sector. We can not sustain the health sector on the generosity of South Africans to treat our patients. This will require a radical change of health policy and new ways of providing care to Zambians. The status quo is a sick healthcare in need of reform.

Zambians hope for 2011 elections is that presidential candidates campaign on workable, innovative and quality health policies. It is time to move from cheap campaigns to real infrastructure reforms debates. Zambia ’s current health challenges require a new political platform and new ways of governance. Zambians should not expect changes in healthcare if we keep electing the same people or party with same manifesto and tactics into power.

Take a hard look at Zesco. The problem is not Zesco but government policy. Power shortages should not be a way of life for Zambians. Power shortage is a sign of failing government. Nationwide power outrage shows that Zambia ’s electricity supply system is dysfunctional, ill-equipped and outdated. To fix this problem will require changes in political leadership, ideology and ZESCO management. Zambians are waiting to hear from MMD government about their plans for power supply beyond 2011 and what specifically it plans to do which has not been done since 1991. Zambia has enough resources from coal, solar and wind for alternative power supply sources and water for more power. All it requires is an effective government with clear policies, strategy and vision.

ZESCO enjoys market monopoly and revenue to upgrade its ageing grid system. Unless that revenue is misappropriated towards political interests. ZESCO has skilled employees who are educated and capable of delivering sustainable power supply if directed by sound government polices. ZESCO’s failure to deliver is due to misguided government energy goals and lack of effective political leadership. The MMD government has not prioritized to fix the electricity supply crisis to avoid blackouts and save government spending.

MMD continues to champion its drumbeat for good investment climate and economic growth in Zambia . But let’s face the reality people, without a sustainable electricity supply; investors will not come and Zambians will not have guarantees for local business initiatives. Unexpected power blackouts inflict major damages on household appliance and industrial equipment.

As the battle for election 2011 gains momentum, Zambians deserve to hear how the so-called MMD winnable candidate will offer a different sustainable energy supply policy and good health care system. Opposition parties must also outline policies priorities and how it plans to differ from the MMD government policies especially on healthcare, education, and energy and investment promotion. Enough with criticism against RB, the opposition PACT must say how they plan to govern and what radical changes should we expect from them. Elections 2011 should be about choosing a good future for Zambia by electing a President, Party and Members of Parliament who will commit to offer and deliver solutions to Zambians main challenges.

Zambians are hard-working people but have we been let down by unresponsive government. Change is needed for Zambia because the MMD has lost all political capital. But if Zambians decide to vote for change; what is the alternative party to form government in 2011 or should Zambians just rehire the MMD government for another five years?

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's time for MMD Govt to own their Failure: MMD IS A PARTY OF NO PLANS.

The last 18 years has been a disaster, there is a life for Zambians beyond MMD. It seems MMD government only deliver when it election time. If that is the case, then Zambia should be having elections every year so that we keep MMD government busy with projects.

MMD has no plans beyond 2011. Right now, they are focused in putting RB into state house again in 2011 with no concrete plans about Zambians education and health sectors. It is party with no ideas or plans.

So far RB has been president; what are MMD plans on Zambia’s growing unemployment, oil shortages, universities or tourism goals with 2010 World Cup in mind?

MMD rule is characterized by UNZA closures, annual cholera outbreak and daily Zesco load shedding and we no now have RB promising to continue same plans beyond 2011. MMD has failed to tax investors. MMD has failed to maintain our roads. MMD government compromise national security due to lack policy to secure strategic oil supplies due to oil refinery shut down. And now, they are selling a major communication networks compromising further Zambia’s security community.

Zambians want a new direction and change for Zambia. Zambia is tired of not by cheap politics which only benefit MMD members. MMID government is only good till 2011 and we thank for provided leadership since 1999. But is not the kind of President and party that Zambia needs to move forward at this moment. So far many people are still waiting for RB’s own vision. The Late Dr. Mwanawasa had his own new deal vision.

Zambians can not understand the logic behind the rhetoric that only RB can carry on the Levy’s vision. The late and RB came different political philosophical school. RB should invent his own governing agenda.

Our choice for 2011 will be between candidates who has state-sponsored money machinery with a borrowed a vision to govern verses a man of action who has clear policy to make Zambia economically strong, work with responsible investors and create opportunities for all Zambians to work and feed their families.

It is out of this reality that Honorable Given Lubinda, MP has presidential qualities which will take Zambia forward into a prosperous nation. He has the charisma to inspire all Zambians to take good opportunities to move out of poverty. Mr. Lubinda understands well what at stake for Zambians. His own work in parliament and in community is testimony to this truth. The PACT must endorse Given Lubinda for President 2011. He will defeat at elections and finish off the MMD party out of government.

This time we say enough is enough. MMD own its political and economic failures of the last 18 years. MMD should not stay on the way of other political parties that focus to make life better for Zambians. The last 18 years has been a disaster, there is a life for Zambians beyond MMD.

Monday, September 21, 2009


While many Zambians will point accusing fingers at Ndola High Registrar over FJT acquital. We must realise that FJT's free ride is not about the presiding magistrate but MMD government and its plans which has proven itself in this case that it is weak, soft and legally incompetent to prosecute corruption cases.We not blame for the magistrate for acquittal; but hold MMD accountable for failing to prove the case.

Zambians must respect the ruling of court but hold MMD government accountable in the manner it handled this case. MMD government has wasted taxpayer's money with this case which many top MMD officials knew it was a dead end. Zambians deserve to know who how much MMD government has spend on this case since it started. This is total wasteful spending by the government.

The big lesson for Zambians in this case is that MMD policies has once again proven itself to be weak, soft and incompete to fight corruption in Zambia. We deserve a change in goverment with a strong party whose agenda and policies will effectively fight corruption.

The choice before Zambians for 2011 elections are now more clear; continue with same weak government which has failed to fight corruption or bring in a new strong government that will fight corruption seriously?
Looking beyond the status quo in PF, leaders like Kabwata MP, Mr. Given Lubinda is someone who can deliver as Zambia ’s next Republican President. Given Lubinda will sweep the MMD from power and deliver Change for Zambians. He is electable at the national level and capable to command rule of law in Zambia . PF, be serious and present to Zambia , skilled and experienced leaders like Mr. Given Lubinda to stand for presidency.
RB(MMD) Vs G. Lubinda(PF):.............................

Friday, September 18, 2009

Increase in Parliamentary Seats lacks Vision: Instead Let Cabinet members not be Members of Parliment.

The proposal being floated at NCC by MMD to increase parliamentary seat from does not offer satisfactory reasons. But lets look back first, how do can we improve role of parliament in Zambia and avoid waste of tax payers money to maintain MPs who are normally quite in parliament?
Zambia must do away with MPs acting as MPs and serving as Cabinet Members. YOU CAN NOT BE BOTH THE LEGISLATOR AND EXECUTOR? We can not have one person doing two dinstinct jobs namely to legislate and act as an executive. Cabinet must be independent and should be chosen from MPs. Those who want to be Cabinet must resign from Parliament first. This is the big weaken in our governance. It is not effective and it is not working. How can parliament charge oversight on a ministry when the boss of that ministry sits in parliament? MPs jobs must be be to legislate only and let Cabinet members execute the laws and govern.
I argue that increasing seats should be based on increasing effectiveness of parliament to legislate, provide oversight on the executive, increase number of women MPs and promote good governance. Increasing seats does not mean effective parliament. Maybe Zambians need to think about a bicameral parliament with two legislative houses like in most countries which requires a concurrent majority support to pass any legislation and may give opposition party control of one legislative house.

The idea of having 40 MPs from interest groups is undemocratic and lack real representation of the Zambians. The current nominating MPs system is not helpful to our democracy because all those nominated end in the ruling party control. If Zambians decide to have nominated MPs, let’s do away with this current practice.
Let us have a Special Independent Select Committee to make appointments of all nominated MPs. Nominated MPs must possess distinguishable public service whose expertise e.g in science, business will be useful in parliament. The role of nominated MPs must be to provide constructive non- partisan alternative voices in parliament; and their term must be limited to only 2/3yrs. No party should claim monopoly of nominate MPs to avoid one political party dominance in parliament.

The role of parliament must be to legislate, give oversight to the executive and be representational. This requires having appropriate powers, adequate resources and committed members of parliament. We can not afford having a rubber stamp parliament because that will make the executive unaccountable and corrupt. Large constituencies may require another MP but must be dealt with on a case by case basis. One way to increase the effective of the Zambia ’s parliament is to legally give subpoena powers to parliamentary committees when investigating actions of the executive branch and any public office investigations. Committees must have autonomy authority to subpoena people to publicly testify under oath, investigate and recommend prosecution. Secondly, parliament must approval international trade agreements, debts and loans agreements which the executive branches engage in.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


How can one describe a government which throws aways its own students into the streets? This is a clear sign that the MMD does not value univerisity education. Those students can be suspended but NOT expelled. How can a government turn its back on its own citizen? MMD is contributing to unemployment- So what should those CBU students do now?
If 2009 was an election year, these students would not be expelled. But Zambians need to remember this sad situation when we cast votes again in 2011. MMD has taken Zambian backwards to 1963 when the colonial government would expell any Zambian for speaking about independence and freedom. This what MMD is about.
President Banda is already referred by some people as "elder father"-which he is....We ask him to unconditionally reinstate those students. Let him show Zambians,he cares for all Zambians.
Zambia is in desperate need of economist, engineers, professors and MBAs...and here we have MMD machine expelling students. Zambians must see this in context, this is not about CBU management,but it about MMD hammering any critics to their failed policies.
By expelling students,MMD is saying it does not value education and does not want Zambains to be educated.This is wrong and it must repealed. If really MMD is serious, it must send a strong message to CBU managament that it does not recognize the expulsion of students. MMD continue to get away with this failure for too long.
Our university students deserve better. Zambians deserve better. How many closures will the two main universities experience? The MMD has completely failed to run these two many institutions. It is time for Government to let go and let ordinary Zambians be in charge.The problem at CBU and UNZA is the MMD which has failed to implement workable educational policies.
Other countries have more than two universities, actually each province or regions have more than one university e.g Nigeria or South Africa.
The Copperbelt University (CBU) has expelled the entire students union leadership for breaching student rules and regulations following their involvement in the disturbances that that took place at the institution.CBU registrar Allan Ilunga said in a statement yesterday that the decision was arrived at after a sanate meeting, which also resolved that the university be re-opened on Sunday September 13, 2009.
( All

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Just as it took MMD in 1991 to clean up this crisis caused by UNIP failures, it will take a new party, new manifesto and new president in Zambia to clean up the national crisis caused by MMD government.
MMD government has been in charge for the last decades, we can expect them to clean up the crisis which themselves caused. It will a new president and new party.
The status quo is unsustainable. No one knows where Zambia is heading under the MMD. The MMD government has failed to explain to Zambians their plan on health, education and social service. The unemployment is reaching the highest record. Cost of living is high. Roads are death traps for motorist.
Zambia can do better. Of course MMD will NOT give up power without a political fight. Therefore Zambians must get ready for that and must ask hard questions to MMD politicians: WHAT DO YOU MMD WANT TO DO BEYOND 2011 WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DONE SINCE 1991? Zambians can not take anymore. We need Change in 2011.
Across the country, healthcare workers and teachers are demanding better conditions of services. The ruling party is talking marketing tactics for MMD presidential candidate for 2011; an example how out of touch politically a regime can be with needs of its citizens.

Our hard working nurses operate with inadequate medical supplies and teachers work in poor facilities. Their demand for a sustaining working condition is legitimate. Unfortunately, we see the same patter of dismissive from concerned elected leaders. Government must quickly address the concerns of these workers so that patients and students are served.

Millions of dollars spent on importing mobile hospitals and manda mandas would give better salaries and provide professional development opportunities for nurses and teachers. Mobile hospitals and hearses can not function in a vacuum; both will require motivated and well paid healthcare workers to utilized those facilities. We know our government is limited in resources; but we expect sound government priorities in any public spending.

Zambia requires a comprehensive reform on health and education sectors. We can not sustain the health sector on the generosity to South Africa to treat our patients in critical conditions. Zambia must invest in students to compete globally by having motivated and professional teachers in classrooms.

My hope for 2011 elections is presidential candidates to campaign on workable, innovative and quality health and education policies. It is time to move from salt-for-votes campaign to real infrastructure reforms. Zambia ’s current health and education challenges require a new political platform and ways of governance. Zambia should expect changes in healthcare and education if we keep electing the same people or party with same manifesto and tactics into power.

Friday, September 4, 2009


In the midst hospital strikes, unannounced power supply sent the entire country into total darkness. Regardless of what triggered this recent nationwide blackout, perpetual power shortages create negative impression to investors and impact the entire economy. Power shortages compromise our national security and a nightmare to consumers.

Nationwide power outrage shows that Zambia ’s electricity supply system is dysfunctional, ill-equipped and outdated. To fix this problem will require structural changes in political leadership, ideology and ZESCO management. Zambians wait to hear from MMD government their plans for power supply beyond 2011 and what specifically it plans to do which has not been done since 1991. Zambia has enough resources from coal, solar and wind for alternative power supply sources, all it requires is government with clear policies and vision.

ZESCO enjoys market monopoly and revenue to update its grid system; unless that revenue is misappropriated for personal and political interests. ZESCO has skilled employees who are educated and capable of delivering sustainable power supply if directed by sound government polices. ZESCO’s failure to deliver is due to misguided government energy goals and lack of effective political leadership. The MMD government has not prioritized to fix the electricity supply crisis to avoid blackouts and save government spending on importing power.

MMD continues to champion its drumbeat for good investment climate and economic growth in Zambia . But let’s face the reality, without a sustainable electricity supply; investors will not come and Zambians will not have guarantees for local business initiatives. Unexpected power blackouts inflict major damages on household appliances and industrial equipment.

As the battle for election 2011 gains momentum, Zambians deserve to hear how the so-called MMD winnable candidate will offer a different energy supply policy. Opposition parties must also offer their own energy policies. Elections 2011 should be about choosing a President and Members of Parliament who will commit to offer sustainable electricity supply to more Zambians and investors at affordable prices.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


It is unthinkable for the state to bring contempt charges against the entire Post Newspapers staff over the publication of Professor of law Muna Ndulo’s article on the Chansa Kabwela case. This is how desperate the MMD government has become to silence truth. Zambians are now aware of the true colors of this government. MMD government must stop this smear campaign against the only independent newspaper in Zambia - The Post. Failure to that, Zambians have to decide with vote in 2011. This is not about the courts, but it is the tactics of RB authoritarian regime.

This situation should be a woke up for Zambians to demand contempt law reforms because we are tired of tactics covering up the truth. In this global communication era, no one is immuned from instant news and opinions. One of the principles of Justice is a fair free free from prejudice. Of course all Zambians, not just the State but including the Post staff are interested in in protecting and maintaining the intergrity of the Zambian courts.

However, the reality in Zambia is sad. The MMD government is now using this law to silence independent investigative media reports. How come only the Post, not other government media is targeted with the contempt charges. Zambia must reform this law now. The status quo is destroying our democracy and MMD government must realize that enforced silence on cases with national implications does not enhance the respect of the courts. Laws develop and adapt to situations.

Reform the media contempt laws in Zambia, it is destroying free speeh, free discussion and killing democracy. Zambians gave the MMD government a mandate to govern by laws not intimidation or violence; if MMD fails to do this they must give up power to another party.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


According the Auditor General's interim audit report on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) the company has revealed financial irregularities, which include losses incurred amounting to K6 billion, tax evasion on retirement and gratuity and hefty board allowances among others.
The report revealed that the corporation incurred losses of in 2006 and in 2007 and that interim results for 2008 will remain the same. MMD government can not continue to run a failed institute with more tax payers money. Instead Government need to be getting revenue from it.

Just look at how good for-profit radio stations are doing in Zambia such as Radio Phoenix. Look at how for profit news papers like the Post are doing? All these media outlets are run effectively without government control.

The ZNBC failure is a result of Politicians, not management alone. Politicans many of whom have no real knowledge and expertise of media sector are put in top positions who decisions are not for profit but propaganda to advance political influence. Government is the problem at ZNBC and as long as government remains the sole controller of ZNBC, it will continue to operate losses despite licence fees.

The only way to stop wasteful spending of tax payers money and cut costs at ZNBC is to Privatize the it. Government has not run it effectively. Let experts and ordinary Zambians run it for profit which will mean more workers employed and government tax revenue.

So, Privatize ZNBC...if MMD can not do it, then the next goverment in 2011 must make a committment to let it go into private hands.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


MMD claims that 2011 elections to be held under new constitution – VP Kunda says.
However, many Zambians are asking what specifically MMD want to achieve beyond 2011 which has not been done since 1991. So far MMD government has failed to effective run two public universities-as we speak CBU is closed. Roads and bridges are death traps to motorists. Clinics and hospitals lack medicines no wonder MMD officials seek health treatment in South Africa. Teachers, medical staff are underpaid. Retirees are beaten for demanding their dues.
It seems the rush to hold 2011 election in new constitution is to bar one opposition leaders who may be a degree holder. The amendment to have only degree holders to be President in Zambia is unconstitutional and a public insult to all Zambians whose majority do not hold the degree. You do not need a degree to see that roads in Zambia require immediate attention. MMD government must instead implement the highest degree to say only PHD holders to run for presidency since we are looking for the best education. The MMD government is directly responsible for Zambians not achieving degrees - actually we see that UNIP government may have produced more Zambians with degrees than MMD regime. The MMD regime has failed the education system is Zambia and does not real solutions to this failed education system in Zambia. WHAT IS MMD POLICY ON EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION? WHAT IS MMD POLICY ON IT EDUCATION?
The real issues that must be resolved in the new constitution is the MMD rule to have 10 nominated MPs in Parliament and having a Vice President appointed without being voted into that positions. This is the most undemocratic MMD plans that are destroying Zambia. The next President must cancel them immediately.Our parliament must be only those representing the people, nothing more.
  • WHY HAVE 10 NOMINATED MPs...wasting taxpayers money and representing who?
These are issues which require immediate attention before 2011? No matter how MMD may play the 2011 election tactics, the majority of Zambians are saying enough is enough. Zambians have no clue where the MMD is taking this great nation ours. Zambians are just tired of empty campaign promises that only see actions during election month.
We all love Zambia, MMD must realize that PF or UPND love Zambians and mean well for Zambia just like them. Zambia is going a wrong direction. We must change MMD in 2011 and regain our rightful standing in SADC regione and the world.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


It is just fair game that election dates in Zambia must have a fixed day and not remain at the monopoly of the ruling MMD government which only announces whenever its feels ready to campaign. Lets make a fair game here.

Secondly, the voting boxes can be placed outside, not just confined to classrooms or community halls. This will allow more transparency to the system.

Mark your calendars, Monday, 3rd October 2011. A new day is coming for Zambia . MMD government can not govern beyond 3rd October 2011 without a renewal of political mandate from Zambia. The above date will mark exactly the end of the second 5-year term of MMD controlled government.

On 3rd Oct, 2006 the late President (M.H.S.R.I.P) started his second term. Going beyond this date, President RB term would come to an end hence his govermnent must make a case to Zambians and parliament reasons to extend their stay at State House

Election dates in Zambia seem to only benefit the ruling party which has monopoly of choosing a day whenever the party feels ready to hold elections. However, this day belong to Zambians who make an important choice about the kind of government leadership and policy they want. All parties need same and fair rules of elections. A fixed election date creates transparency, more democratic and would increase voter turnout as more people plan for this day. No party in Zambia must monopolize election date to advance its political interests.

Zambia can enact a law to have a fixed election date like other democracies; and we have technology to that. We must have hold elections on weekdays that will allow participating political parties access to courts when challenges occur. Friday election day is a bad choice because courts are closed on weekends to hear file challenges. So challenging partiles wait for Monday to file cases, by which the newly declared person will hold a weekend swearing-in event to gain executive power and immunity- automatically shifts from mere political candidate to Presidency.Therefore we must have amendments about swearing-in ceremonies not be private weekend events, but public events. President Zuma took the aoth of office at a public event. Zambians must witness a newly elected President promise to defend this country.

Zambians must legally expect to see a new president on October 4th 2011. Depending on the commitment to its manifesto and delivery of public services, MMD will be examined again for a third time. If Zambians decide against 3rd term rule(18 years) by MMD government, then Zambians will usher in a new government with a different action plan. Change is important for Zambia ’s democracy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Task Force Executive Chairman Maxwell Nkole has been fired...

Another sign MMD is weak on Corruption. Nkole was steel on corruption, now he has been fired for doing his job..What a joke...Once again, MMD must go because MMD can not fight corruption- it to weak and disorganised.
Secondly, MMD does not even know how to fire someone and still maintain integrity..How can you fire Nkole on the eve of appealing Chiluba case and his immunity calls.
Zambia needs an independent Anti Corruption commission who mandate must come from Parliament and people of Zambia. We can not entrust MMD govt with another agency when it fires one who questions their corrupt practices.
MMD govt firing of anti corruption boss raises more questions about the manner in which RB is controlling everything in Zambia just to please FTJ. Zambia has now become a laughing stock in the region due to poor management of the national affairs.
Zambian must stop MMD govt in 2011 because we are heading to situation similar to Zimbabwe crisis where everthing with collapse.
These guys have no respect for an independent court, anti corruption agency and media.
Fellow country men and women, we must use our votes wisely to stop MMD turning Zambian into a poor communists state.
Enough is Enough...STOP MMD mismanagement of the Zambia.
According to PF Manifesto blow, this maybe the way to avoid repeating this situations in Zambia again where the sitting President fires anyone whenever he feels like. Of course this may need some beef as well such as Permanent Chairperson and Parlimentary public hearing for any appointed person to lead the agency.
PF Manifesto says, quote:
􀂃 Watchdog institutions will not fall under the Ministry of Home Affairs but instead there shall be an autonomous board reporting to Parliament. To this end the PF government will enact enabling legislation to provide for the appointment of the members of the Board.
􀂃 The above institutions shall have power to investigate, arrest, and prosecute without reference to any other authority.
The PF government will strengthen existing institutions with legal framework and desist from creating ad hoc bodies.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Let’s increase investment in agriculture’
VICE-PRESIDENT George Kunda has called for increased investment in agriculture and rural infrastructure to enhance economic growth. Mr Kunda says higher agriculture output will ensure food security and poverty reduction.
He said this during a debate at the 13th African Union Heads of State and Government Summit in Sirte Libya.
Mr Kunda said the Zambian government has prioritised agriculture because of the many economic benefits from the sector.
He said government wants the School of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Zambia to become a centre of excellence in coordinating sustainable land and water management.
Mr Kunda said government has also put in place favourable policies and conditions aimed at encouraging investment in the agriculture sector. He regretted that Africa appears to be the worst hunger affected region in the developing world.
Mr Kunda challenged leaders at the summit to individually and collectively turn agriculture into an engine for food security and poverty reduction in Africa. The summit which ended yesterday was being held under the theme, "Invest in Agriculture for Economic Growth and Food Security." - ZNBC

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Zambia is experiencing challenging times in its democratic process. Every election is about the future. No candidate should run for Presidential office if all they want is to maintain the status quo. Zambia is confronted with many challenges that require strong and effective leadership.
We need to reform our government institutions to create transparency and accountability in government public services especially in education and health. We need a new strategy to fight corruption; one that receives a mandate and authority from parliament, not just the executive branch. We face an energy crisis on how to maintain a sustainable source of oil and upgrade ageing oil refineries. Zambia’s energy is a national security issue which the next President, cabinet and parliament need to quickly address with clear goal to maintain a reliable source, build strategic oil reserves and offer affordable oil prices to businesses and consumers. On the long term, the next administration must offer clear plans for alternative sources such as coal and natural gas. We can not continue to bargain money for oil from private banks and make lives around Zesco load shedding.

Past good economic results is not guarantee for another good future performance. People want affordable food, health, employment and education today, so that tomorrow they can live. Therefore, we can not continue to milk the past as true measure of tomorrow especially in this globalized market economy were one event in another continue has direct impact globally. The next President has to offer clear vision for the future, articulate policy goals and how they intend to pay for and monitor such as program.

Zambia’s agriculture has lots of potential unfortunately political parties have not taken this issue as priority. The next President must champion Agricultural Revolution in Zambia, which will invest in this sector which will create millions of job opportunities, lower food prices and make a real contribution to the economy. We need to move from political slogans that focus only on fertilizer distribution.

These challenges we face in Zambia require bold leadership. Zambians can not get a different good economic result if the same bad policies and same people do the same bad thing again. Of course government can not do everything but it can create opportunities for ordinary people to do great things. And that what this election needs to be about; which party can a government that works for the people and create opportunities for Zambians. Every election is about change; we have that opportunity to change our destiny