

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Majority of Zambians are angry and frustrated with the direction this country. This frustration by Zambians is similar to the one which was felt in 1991 election against the UNIP government.

MMD party is so preoccupied with securing and safeguarding its own political jobs for 2011 rather create jobs for millions of unemployed Zambians.Even more frightening to Zambians is the idea that the Banda Presidency will seek another five years meaning that the status quo will be continued.

The economic revival plan which President Banda affirms as a successful is yet to be seen by the people of Zambia . Those who question the revival are being condemned. After 18 years in power, the MMD continue to present itself as a victim to opposition when questioned over its failing policies.How many jobs has economic revival plan created or saved? More Zambians continue to loss jobs and those who are employed are either casual, underpaid or about to be laid off. Others are forced to retire without pension. And if they have pension, it will take another four years to claim that pension.

It will a difficulty task for MMD to convince Zambians for another five years. The RB Presidency has so far a very thin public service delivery to show to voters. Despite many promises to continue the New Deal Administration goals, the Banda Presidency has almost abandoned, broken and forgotten the essential pillars from the New Deal especially to prosecute corruption and get a fair tax revenue from the mining investors.

The MMD government has failed to provide the required political leadership to solve the many issues facing Zambia . The party is not offering any new solutions on education, health and development. As for my fellow Zambians; we can’t keep voting the same party over and over again and expect different results. Zambians, should not expect a different results on education, job creation, healthcare reforms, roads in Zambia from the same political behavior of the past 18 years

Sunday, February 28, 2010

PF leader Micheal Sata: So presidential as he addressed PF Mayors from CB and LSK

PF leader Michael Sata addressed a meeting with mayors from PF-controlled councils on the Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces to discuss issues of development and service delivery.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Is it too early to judge President Rupiah's performance? Of course it is, and was correctly said by the First Lady Mrs. Thandiwe Banda who cautioned Zambians to be more patience with the Rupiah's government.

But the fact of the matter, Mr President, the call for change is not about you.

Zambians' anger and frustration is directed at all years of MMD government. MMD was voted into office to perform people's business, not to work for MMD carders. To many voters, 2011 elections is now a referendum on the MMD.

Mr President, you do not deserve the all the blame for the failure of MMD policies. You were just called to serve in a party whose policies are failed to create opportunities for Zambians.

Mr. President, Zambians are now tired of politicians who promises much but delivers nothing. Those around you 24/7 may not be telling reality of the voters. Mr. President, things look bad for MMD in 2011, just as it got worse for UNIP in 1991.

And yes, i agree with you, no insults against anyone serving in public office especially for the President.

Zambians are angry and frustrated with the entire failing MMD policies. And worse people still do not know if MMD is ready to bring new solutions to the complex issues we face. Same old policy solutions are not just not working.

Mr President, the Auditors General new report detailing massive financial irregularies in several government ministries is just shocking and more reason for public frustration. The report has once confirmed and raised more concerns on the readiness and competency of MMD to govern again.

Right now, Mr President, Zambians who voted for you feel betrayed by your party which campaigned to fight corruption. Mr President, why is that most corruption cases in Zambia involve persons associated or appointed by MMD leadership?

Failure to act on corruption has taught lesson for Zambians: that MMD policies has once again proven itself to be weak, soft and incompete to fight corruption.

Mr President, your government is not listening to the very people who put you in office. The New Deal government worked hard so that mining investors contribute fair taxes which you abandoned.

Today, Mr President, Zambians feel that the MMD party is not strong enough to stand up to investors. Zambia needs a strong government that will deal with foreign investors and demand a fair pay of taxes and enforce labor and environmental laws.

Mr President, no party has a monopoly on investor confidence. As long resources and labor available, investors will stay. So MMD must stop fearmongering that under UPND/PF government, investors will go. The fact is investors are in Zambia to make profits regardless of who is in the State House.

Mr President, Zambians no longer trust the MMD party to be real representatives of the wishes of the people. MMD has abandoned it own promises to be a government accountable to the people of Zambia.

Mr President, as the battle for election 2011 gains momentum, Zambians deserve to hear how the your MMD party will offer new solutions on agriculture, social security for the disabled, elderly, and homeless children, education, fuel shortages, create jobs, stop expanding the national debt, prevent lusaka floods, fight corruption, stop Zesco blackouts and improve the aging hospitals and roads