MMD has no plans beyond 2011. Right now, they are focused in putting RB into state house again in 2011 with no concrete plans about Zambians education and health sectors. It is party with no ideas or plans.
So far RB has been president; what are MMD plans on Zambia’s growing unemployment, oil shortages, universities or tourism goals with 2010 World Cup in mind?
MMD rule is characterized by UNZA closures, annual cholera outbreak and daily Zesco load shedding and we no now have RB promising to continue same plans beyond 2011. MMD has failed to tax investors. MMD has failed to maintain our roads. MMD government compromise national security due to lack policy to secure strategic oil supplies due to oil refinery shut down. And now, they are selling a major communication networks compromising further Zambia’s security community.
Zambians want a new direction and change for Zambia. Zambia is tired of not by cheap politics which only benefit MMD members. MMID government is only good till 2011 and we thank for provided leadership since 1999. But is not the kind of President and party that Zambia needs to move forward at this moment. So far many people are still waiting for RB’s own vision. The Late Dr. Mwanawasa had his own new deal vision.
Zambians can not understand the logic behind the rhetoric that only RB can carry on the Levy’s vision. The late and RB came different political philosophical school. RB should invent his own governing agenda.
Our choice for 2011 will be between candidates who has state-sponsored money machinery with a borrowed a vision to govern verses a man of action who has clear policy to make Zambia economically strong, work with responsible investors and create opportunities for all Zambians to work and feed their families.
It is out of this reality that Honorable Given Lubinda, MP has presidential qualities which will take Zambia forward into a prosperous nation. He has the charisma to inspire all Zambians to take good opportunities to move out of poverty. Mr. Lubinda understands well what at stake for Zambians. His own work in parliament and in community is testimony to this truth. The PACT must endorse Given Lubinda for President 2011. He will defeat at elections and finish off the MMD party out of government.
This time we say enough is enough. MMD own its political and economic failures of the last 18 years. MMD should not stay on the way of other political parties that focus to make life better for Zambians. The last 18 years has been a disaster, there is a life for Zambians beyond MMD.