Information, Broadcasting and Information Minister Given Lubinda is right to observe that current work stoppages and protests are a cost to the nation. These protests actions by some workers in Zambia is not a smart solution to fix minimum wages in Zambia.
PF Government has already taken a decisive step to respond solve this issue of low wages for workers in Zambia. President Sata has already issued a presidential directive to revise current minimum wages. FOr 20 years MMD never even attempted to take a look at this issue.
Instead of protesting over wages,workers need to call and tell their respective newly elected MPs to support PF Goverment revision of minimum wages process. Call your MP to demand them to support repealing in Parliament current minimum wages statutory instruments 1, 2 and 3. Call you MP to support PF Government in increasing minimum wages. Only a minimum wage increase imposed by law will benefit all those striking. Therefore support PF Government revision process.
In moving Zambia forward,there is a need to increase minimum wages. Increasing minimum wages is good for Zambia's economy. Secondly, there has be a toughter enforcement of the national minimum wages. PF Government can expand power and duties of cities and towns councils to implement and enforce minimum wages laws. PF Government should also increase the number of minimum wages enforcement officers to enforce compliance, impose harsh fines, revoke licenses and imprisonment for repeated offenders against minimum wages. This will send a strong message to all employers that any Zambian deserves a living wage.
So, to my fellow Zambian workers, stop the protest. Call your MP to support PF Government minimum wages revision.