Majority of Zambians are angry and frustrated with the direction this country. This frustration by Zambians is similar to the one which was felt in 1991 election against the UNIP government.
MMD party is so preoccupied with securing and safeguarding its own political jobs for 2011 rather create jobs for millions of unemployed Zambians.Even more frightening to Zambians is the idea that the Banda Presidency will seek another five years meaning that the status quo will be continued.
The MMD government has failed to provide the required political leadership to solve the many issues facing Zambia . The party is not offering any new solutions on education, health and development. As for my fellow Zambians; we can’t keep voting the same party over and over again and expect different results. Zambians, should not expect a different results on education, job creation, healthcare reforms, roads in Zambia from the same political behavior of the past 18 years